VERSeFest 2025 : March 25-29 : schedule now online!

OUR FESTIVAL SCHEDULE IS NOW FULLY ONLINE: Check out the schedule for the fifteenth annual VERSeFest: Ottawa's International Poetry Festival! readings and performances by Jessica Hiemstra, Em Dial, Susan J. Atkinson, Oana Avasilichioaei, Kimberly Quiogue Andrews, Xénia Gould, Nshannacappo (Neal Shannacappo), Luna Cardenas, Rebecca Kempe, King Kimbit, Kaz Mega, Dumi Deja, Salem Paige, Laurie Koensgen, Adrienne Stevenson, Chelene Knight, Pamela Mosher, Alexis Vollant, Andy Weaver, Terese Mason Pierre, Phil Hall, Eileen Myles, Zoe Whittall, Chloé LaDuchesse, Stephanie Roberts, Bridget Huh and Sara Berkeley! poetry workshops by Eileen Myles and Phil Hall (with limited spaces)! a free daytime reading at Carleton University by Eileen Myles!

with your usual batch of participating Ottawa-area host organizations, including In Our Tongues, Plan 99, Urban Legends, Arc Poetry Magazine, flo. lit mag, Riverbed Reading Series, Carleton University and the Ottawa Public Library! tickets are now available, as are evening passes, and festival passes! and of course, donations are always welcome (we even issue tax receipts).