Post-Valentine's Salon: The Beautiful The Bearable (Update)


Poster for The Beautiful The Bearable poems by Ksenija Spasic, Family Day Weekend @ Anina's Cafe.
Horsebroke Press' first ever event, an afternoon poetry salon at Anina's Cafe with Ksenija Spasis, Sneha Madhavan-Reese and Ellen Chang-Richardson. Reading starts at 4pm, but get there early to get a cozy spot, a nice drink and a nosh.

Anina's is a gorgeous and cozy venue (360 preview). By 4pm Saturday, it'll be brimming with poetry and poetry lovers easing off Valentine's hangovers with a fine cup of coffee.

We'll have Ksenija's and others' books, plus issues of the These Days zines. It's also the last day of the HST holiday so bring cash for books and Dougie bucks for a fancy coffee, Canadian beer, or a baked treat.

"Even in the face of the monster, let your mind shape slowly a path."

Saturday February 15, event starts at 4pm, cafe open all day. The full kitchen closes at 2:30pm so get there early for a brunch, or later for beer, wine, espresso drinks and pastries. Anina's is in Vanier at 280 Joffre-Belanger Way. It's a touch north of Montreal Rd., with lots of street parking and just a block off the #19 bus route. Contact us re: accessibility or whatever else. No cover. 💙