new from above/ground press: Skrabalak, Braun, Fagan, Aube, Kemp, Gontarek, O'Reilly, Strang, Weaver, Burdick, the suitcase poem + Touch the Donkey #44,

: THE ORCHIDS, Ryan Skrabalak $5 ; free jazz ; Jacob Braun $5 ; then / here / now / there, Cary Fagan $5 ; pulp necrosis, Gwen Aube $5 ; Lives of Dead Poets, Penn Kemp $5 ; H IS THE LETTER OF THE DOOR, Maxwell Gontarek $5 ; TERMINALS, Nathanael O'Reilly $5 ; the suitcase poem, ed. Amanda Earl : Marie-Andrée Auclair * Gregory Betts * Jeff Blackman * Amanda Earl * Ellen Chang-Richardson * AJ Dolman * Doris Fiszer * Gwendolyn Guth * Jenna Jarvis * Chris Johnson * Tanis MacDonald * Roz Toner * MW $5 ; Touch the Donkey [a small poetry journal] #44 : with new poems by Austin Miles, J-T Kelly, Naomi Cohn, Alice Burdick, Melissa Eleftherion, Jennifer Firestone and Catriona Strang $8 ; from What If I Sang “Flower of Scotland”?, Catriona Strang $5 ; Robert Duncan at Disney World, Andy Weaver $5 ; I Am So Calm, Alice Burdick $5 ;

published in Ottawa by above/ground press
January-February 2025
a/g subscribers receive a complimentary copy of each

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keep an eye on the above/ground press blog for author interviews, new writing, reviews, upcoming readings and tons of other material; oh, and you know that 2025 subscriptions (our thirty-second year!) are still available, yes? AND THE ABOVE/GROUND PRESS POSTAL INCREASE SALE CONTINUES UNTIL JULY 9, 2025!

With forthcoming chapbooks by:  J-T Kelly, Yaxkin Melchy (trans. by Ryan Greene), Thor Polukoshko, Mrityunjay Mohan, Laynie Browne, Sandra Doller, Gregory Crosby, Monty Reid, Nada Gordon, Lydia Unsworth, Andrew Brenza, Brook Houglum, Orchid Tierney, Lori Anderson Moseman, Noah Berlatsky, Terri Witek and David Phillips; and probably others! (yes: others,