
We are a collection of Ottawa, Ontario based small and micro literary publishers, attempting to not only promote the works we're each producing, but trying to convince others in town that it might be fun for them to also produce chapbooks, little magazines, zines, and all kinds of other small press stuff. We might even attempt running some workshops. Here's a snapshot from our infamous first meeting, held Sunday, September 17, 2023 at the Royal Oak at Slater/Kent Streets, Ottawa.

Are you actively making small press publications (print or online) in and around Ottawa? Let us know! Direct any questions or comments to Jeff Blackman at horsebrokepress (at) gmail (dot) com or rob mclennan at rob_mclennan (at) hotmail (dot) com

left to right: Jeff Blackman (horsebroke press), Marilyn Irwin (shreeking violet press), natalie hanna (battleaxe press), Cameron Anstee (Apt. 9 Press), Pearl Pirie (phafours press) + rob mclennan (above/ground press + Touch the Donkey)